Looking for IV Therapies?
Dr. Thurston and his staff offer dozens of custom IV formulas designed to address your individual needs. Many patients utilize IV’s to boost energy or immune function or to reduce anxiety. Others use it after a busy weekend of play or to to recover from life’s stress. We also offer a few different formulas for adjunct cancer treatments.
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We do custom drips!
✪ Weight loss
✪ Mineral and vitamin replacement
✪ Adjunct Cancer Treatment
✪ Myers’ Cocktail
✪ Fitness and athletic recovery
Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that neutralizes free radical damage to the body while allowing your liver to better process toxins. It is used all over the world in IV form to help reduce inflammation, detox and treat neurological conditions. It is also used to improve skin tone by reducing inflammation. It has been used extensively in Asia as a skin whitener, but in the US it’s not approved by the FDA for that specific use. Glutathione is given in IV form as it’s poorly absorbed in whole form via the GI tract (oral).
High Dose Vitamin C
Vitamin C infusions have been used for decades as a treatment for cancer. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a powerful antioxidant as well as a collagen boosting agent.
“Many laboratory studies have been done to find out how high-dose vitamin C may cause the death of cancer cells. The anticancer effect of vitamin C in different types of cancer cells involves a chemical reaction that makes hydrogen peroxide, which may kill cancer cells.” -National Cancer Institute (Cancer.gov)
- In lab tests, high doses of Vit C IV has been shown to;
- Slow the growth and spread of cancer
- In addition to chemotherapy improves outcome vs. chemo alone
Myers’ Cocktail
The Meyers’ cocktail comprises the benefits of vitamin C along with doses of various B vitamins and minerals. This nutrient drip is known as being the gold standard for IV therapy, infusing megadoses of vitamins and minerals into the body. At INM we take the Meyers’ to the next level by adding much needed trace minerals like Zinc and Selenium to help the immune system and promote healing.
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
While H2O2 is slowly infused into the body the molecule is broken down into water and a single oxygen atom. The singlet oxygen can destroy viruses and bacteria, render toxins inert and allowing them to be detoxed, vasodilate the blood vessels, facilitate the body’s energy by oxygenating the mitochondria and making more ATP and helping the immune system function better while maintaining an antioxidant environment. Not only is it a powerful treatment protocol, patient’s normally notice a boost in energy a few hours after the treatment.
Alpha Lipoic Acid

ALA is an antioxidant that inhibits cellular oxidation, a process that produces free radicals and degrades cells. ALA is sometimes referred to as the universal antioxidant because it supports other antioxidants like vitamins C and E, and glutathione. It’s involved in multiple antioxidant functions in virtually all body tissues.
ALA is also critical to mitochondrial health and converting glucose to ATP, your body’s source is energy, enhancing cellular respiration and ATP production. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to aging and disease in humans, and ALA supports mitochondrial health.

Phospholipid Exchange Therapy aka PK protocol
Named after Dr. Patricia Kane, an intravenous technique for supplying the correct proportion of fats and oils in a bioavailable form to replenish cell membranes and membranes within cells. This technique that has been practiced for decades in Europe, and is a form of anti-aging/longevity medicine that has been shown to combat oxygen radicals cellular oxidation.
Ozone therapies
O3 battles viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. There are countless pubmed studies showing the vast medical benefits for those chronic conditions involving microbial infections.
O3 also stimulates oxygen metabolism and energy production of the red blood cells stimulating production of ATP (essentially electron energy for your cells). It also activates the production of enzymes which act as free radical scavengers and cell-wall protectors. In a nutshell, it gives the body more energy and speeds up the ability to attack infection and improve the immune system.
J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2011 Jan-Jun; 2(1): 66–70. doi: 10.4103/0976-9668.82319 PMCID: PMC3312702 PMID: 22470237 Ozone therapy: A clinical review/